One Legaspi Park Union Church, Makati City, Philippines

A small foam model was made. Foam models were cut with foam cutters. In valuable to make quick study models.
A small foam model was made. Foam models were cut with foam cutters. In valuable to make quick study models.
This particular model shows office spaces along with the reflected ceiling plan inserted toward the back of the model. The round skout lightst were actual white plastic washers that saved allot of time if I had to make them another way. When making models look around your surroundings or go to a store like Joann’s and look at all the sewing accessories and buttons. With a little creativity you’ll be able to find misc. objects for your models. Re-paint them and make them fit into your scale. For example, small buttons can be made into flower pots.
Small massing models like this help give clients a visual idea of square footage and massing. This model uses three colors that are all the same temperature to represent street, side and grassy areas and a gray for the building. New massing pieces made in white represent the new square footage and are made to fit exactly where the existing building ends. Here are three areas of interest, an entry, building connection and gymnasiums expansion were new pieces. It’s easy and effective to have many pieces made ahead of time when communicating to clients.
A quick study model to the entry of Harper College was made. The architect envisioned inspiration from sail boat massing. This small model of the existing structure was made in color and the new proposal was made in white. It was glued to a base to be attached as needed to explain the concept. I coined the statement, “Your journey starts at Harper’.
White cardboard boxes on the actual site plan is a good and fast way to make a quick model with lots of misc information. This method works well with floor plans for larger scale house models.
Scale 1/32
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